This is just a brief introduction to what I'm doing for the Countryside Alliance Foundation. Seven of us, from all parts of the UK, along with others from the USA will be running the London Marathon this April! We want to support the great work that they do to promote our countryside. Please read more on the Countryside Alliance Foundation website:
I have put myself forward to run the London Marathon because the Foundation does so much to promote the countryside I love, and live in. Conservation, agriculture, and a sustainable rural economy are at the heart of their work and are incredibly important to me. These issues are also central to my degree at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester.
The Countryside Alliance Foundation (a registered charity), is a sister organisation to the Countryside Alliance, though with a slightly different agenda. The foundation ( promotes the general interest of rural communities and educates the wider public in matters involving the countryside, and its conservation.
Meanwhile the Countryside Alliance works closely alongside to promote country persuits such as hunting shooting and fishing, in both government and the media. Since I am 1st Whipper-in to the RAC Beagles, it was impossible to pass up the chance to support the Countryside Alliance Foundation's great efforts in this way.
We have a massive fundraising target (to match the challenge of all completing the course) so can I thank you in advance for your generous support. Please also send a link to this page to any of your friends and family who might be interested to learn of the work of the Foundation and who may wish to contribute.
This is my first full marathon and I have a target time of 3hrs30mins. I think this is realistic because I've run some reasonable half-marathon times in the past, and my training has been going well. And as I plan to run in FULL hunting livery; if you’re watching on TV, look out!
I hope this encourages you to donate generously to this well deserving cause!!
To follow me on twitter follow this link: @marathonrhys
Rhys Wilson