Hi there! I'm going to be swimming 10KM (400 lengths of the pool) to raise money for the Southampton University based charity Cameroon Catalyst, a joint venture between engineering and language students from the University of Southampton and the Mosame Trust.
The Cameroon Catalyst project began in 2009, with the aim of developing the health, education and welfare of rural villages in Cameroon through the design of long-lasting buildings and infrastructure. We undertake design work and raise funds in the UK to employ local craftsmen and builders in Cameroon.
I started helping out with the project as a translator last December and I will be going out with the rest of the team in June to oversee the project's progress and to assist as an interpreter. We are aiming to raise £25,000 in total
to help fund initiatives that will provide local people with the skills
to maintain and run the existing projects and to improve housing in the
village of Bambouti. As well as helping out with group fund-raising, all the students heading out to Cameroon are hoping to raise £500 each. I would appreciate donations of any size in order to help me reach this target!
I will be funding the trip myself, so all the money donated will go straight to charity and the good work that they'll be doing.
You can find out more about the project's work at: