I am doing something physically active outdoors!
yes me, and yes, i know!
Although, to my credit, I often run at the gym, however, I'm generally only inclined to do so by the promise of cute toffs wearing knee high socks with their loafers in the weight room - and as this event is women only, it will be a whole new challenge!
But in all seriousness, I will be
running the Cancer Research UK
Race for Life in Hyde Park this summer on
July 18th and was
HOPING that if you can't be there to poke fun as I attempt this, you might
toss fiver or whatever you've got my way? (even if it's £2 - every little bit helps!)
I will be running in memory of David Pecaut (one of my personal heroes), and the many others who we have lost to this terrible disease.
If you have lost someone close to you but can't run the race, let me know and I will include their name on my back sign
This is a cause that affects all of us and the money
Cancer Research UK receives goes directly into the type of
research we need to fight the disease
Thank you, merci, gracias, Danke schön, shukran for your support!