I am joining with other runners from Palestine and around the world to cover the 750km length of the Israeli separation wall over the weekend of 26 - 27 March 2021.
I am running 10.5km on Friday 26th and Nordic walking the same distance on Palm Sunday (28th), to make a half marathon distance over the weekend. In so doing I will raise awareness of the human cost of the Wall, demand freedom of movement for Palestinians and help raise £15,000 to rebuild a Palestinian home.
Amos Trust normally takes a team to participate in the Palestine marathon in Bethlehem at the end of March but this year, for obvious reasons, that won't be happening so instead we will RUN THE WALL. This year Kenilworth - next year Bethlehem? Who knows!
I am looking forward to joining other runners from the UK, Palestine and around the world to show that even though we can't run together, we can stand together.
Thank you for your support.