When i went in to Labour, all the monitors showed everything was all well and ok, then i felt the urge to push, 2 pushes and Ella was born and whisked away, all i remember seeing was blood coming from her nose.
The next 45 mins were the longest of my life, consultants, doctors midwife's every where, i caught a glimpse of somebody doing chest compressions on my baby and bags of blood been passed thru, nobody told us nothing.
After 45 mins i was told she was alive and later found out she had been dead for 25 mins....My placenter had ruptured and she had bled to death its a good job she came within 2 pushes.
After 3 hours i got to see her she was critical and about to be transferred to Addenbrookes to undergo cooling treatment, the lack of oxygen is known to cause brain damage and all her organs had been affected.
It was a matter of taking hour by hour day by day.....72 hours of been cooled and she came thru thou we wont know how well its worked straight away it could take years.
Today i believe the Cooling treatment saved my daughter from severe brain damage or even death, she is nearly 10 month old and is doing really well, she under goes physio regularly as she is still not crawling about and they have noticed right sided weakness.
But this is nothing she is with us and a miracle baby at that :) x
Ella is now 13 month and she started crawling just after her first birthday a lot of hard work and determination at physio has certainly worked :) we now climbing and trying so hard with steps xx
Ella has now turned 22 months and is like all other children her age .....It is so amazing we have no side effects from her suffering HIE xx
Ella turns 2 and is discharged from the consultant with 100% clean bill of health xxxx
By donating to the Rosie Hospital Campaign people will help the hospital to increase its capacity so they can have two cooling cots (for babies from across the East of England). This will also help fund Dr Austin’s important research into the subject which could help benefit babies worldwide.