A huge thank you to everyone who sponsored me this year. It was a glorious day in Newcastle and I completed the course in just under 1 hour 46 minutes. The sponsorship I received here was a massive motivating factor and I know East Cheshire Hospice are thankful for every donation.
Thank you. X
This year I'm supporting the East Cheshire Hospice, which is just up the road from me in Macclesfield.
I was privileged to visit the hospice recently which cares for people at the end of their lives, as well as offering respite to individuals with life-limiting illnesses. It's a beautiful, calm and caring place run by incredibly dedicated and hard-working staff and volunteers.
I'll be 40 this year. It's not unusual for people in their 30s and 40s and younger to come through these doors, some of whom will have their own young children. Somehow, the hospice helps that experience more bearable for the whole family.
It's completely humbling. It makes you realise that for every day you can step outside and put one foot in front of the other - running, jogging or walking - is a day to be thankful.
Thanks for your support,