Hello, it’s Benjy, and for the thirteen days leading up to my barmitzvah, I am asking you to sponsor me to switch off my phone as a challenge in aid of Practical Action. This is a charity which helps people to get through tough situations made worse by climate change and its catastrophic impact.
You may be wondering why I am turning off my mobile phone. Well I have been reading about how using mobile phones contributes to climate change and that the production of these phones is damaging for the environment and creates conflict.
While my phone is switched off, I will be using my time to do other fun things, like playing games, doing sport, being outdoors, cooking, doing photography and much more. I hope you can sponsor me so I can try and reach the goal of £400. If you want to read more about Practical Action, there is a link to the charity below, as well as a story about how they have helped families in Gwanda, Zimbabwe.
I can’t wait to see you all soon, and will keep you updated on how my challenge is going.
From Benjy.
Families in Gwanda, are struggling to feed themselves from the food they grow on their farmland. Because of climate change, devastating droughts and flooding have become more frequent in the region. Crops fail and people have to rely on food aid to fend off starvation. Alfred is a 61 year-old farmer who lives in Gwanda. A clever combination of inexpensive solutions have helped him and his grandchildren beat poverty.