The importance of screening and checking your boobs hit home for me last year when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer following routine screening. Despite having no symptoms, it was established the cancer had already reached her lymph nodes. Thankfully due to how early it was found, a treatment plan including chemo and radiotherapy was put in place. She is now nearing the end of treatment. Had mum not gone to her screening then her prognosis could and most likely would have been entirely different. It’s really made me realise the importance of being aware and how early diagnosis can literally save your life! It has pushed me to try and raise awareness for an amazing cause.
This September I will set out on a challenging, extraordinary and life-changing trek, all in the name of checking chests! Along with Gi Fletcher and some other famous faces, I will be taking on the a 5 day trek across mountainous terrain in the French Alps, in a bid to raise funds towards CoppaFeel's life-saving mission. Your donations will not only support my fundraising target, but most importantly CoppaFeel!. They are on a mission to stamp out the late diagnosis of breast cancer by making sure that young people are regularly checking their boobs, pecs and chests and getting to know their bodies in order to have the confidence to see their GP if something just doesn't feel normal.
My mum is my best friend and without her I would be completely lost, so please please please check your boobs 💗
Thank you SO much for your donation and support :)
Pheebs xx