1 Dec - normal service resumed.
30 Nov - Week 4 photos are now here. A fantastic effort from everyone involved - mo growers and sponsors. Well done to you all.
22 Nov - Week 3 photos are now trickling through. The mo's are all looking really good. After last week's mention Just For Men has become very popular with some of the participants. Guess who? Just over a week to go. What will we talk about when the mo's have gone? The sponsorship is absolutely fantastic. Thanks to everyone for their support.
16 Nov - Week 2 photos are coming through. Very impressive cultivation of mo's. It's getting to the itchy and irritating stage for the mo growers. Don't give up and keep the faith. For all the sponsors a big thank you. We are doing far better than, I think, anyone expected. Special mention for Andy S and the loss of his "white bits" (Just For Men Black/Dark Brown for those interested in the colouring). And also for Mick who has finally got rid of his pirate's beard and gone for a mo. Wear it with pride!
9 Nov - some excellent week 1 photos added with a good range of mo's. Well done to the mo growers. A great start to the sponsorship. Thanks to everyone.
2 Nov - we now have 14 taking part.
31 Oct - Thanks for taking the time to visit our JustGiving page.
We are all planning on trying to grow a moustache to celebrate the month of Movember and raise money for the Prostate Cancer Charity.
Official photographer Chris Makin will keep you upto date with the embarrassing evidence.
So please dig deep and donate now.