Well it's all over now! I completed the 10k in 00.59.02 not bad. Thanks for all your support and please encourage others to contribute, it's not too late!
This will be my second attempt at breaking my one hour record (!) at the Crouch End 10k on 16 May 2010.
This year I'm running for Latitude Care Network (LCN), a small, London based refugee led charity, to help them raise much needed funds to improve the welfare of older people (over 60) in Northern Uganda.
Why is money needed?
During 22 years of brutal civil war in Northern Uganda, thousands of people have been displaced from their homes, forced to live in refugee camps.
People are slowly returning to their villages, but the vast majority of older people are still living in refugee camps - often with the responsibility of caring for their orphaned grandchildren. They are frightened to return to their villages.
How will your money help?
LCN, along with its affiliate organisation in Northern Uganda is developing projects to help older people return to their villages, as well as providing them with basic necessities for their welfare in the refugee camps.
The money we raise will go towards providing older people with food, clothing, bedding, toiletries, crop seeds and counselling. Any money we raise will go a long way :
£50 can buy 20 blankets for 20 elderly people;
£60 can buy 50kg of beans that would feed 20 elderly people for one week;
As Medina Okeng from the LCN affiliate office says: “After two decades of fighting, older people want nothing more than to return home to their land before they die. This long-term displacement is eroding traditional community support mechanisms and leaving many older people isolated and abandoned in the camps.”
Check out their website to find out more about their work:
Thanks in advance for your support!