Thanks for visiting our Just Giving page we are the Shining Stars and we are taking on the challenge of walking the nighttime full marathon a huge task but we are determined and we all have own stories of why we want to raise to this challenge so here are our stories.
Penny's story.... Unfortunately we've all been touched by Cancer in one way or another. Either we've lost loved ones, or know someone who's fought it or being treated for it,and beaten it. It woudl be fantastic to find a cure one day. Lots of marvellous work is constantly being done to help fiond a cure and progress is always being made to treat this dreaded disease. On the evening of Saturday 24 September at 10.15pm , me and 3 friends will be pounding the streets of London throught the night, walking 26.2 miles tp help raise money for Cancer Research.
We've been out training for the last 4 months in the wet, cold, windy and some very humid hot conditions preparign ourselves for this walk. If you have any spare cash, we'd be most grateful for a sponsor for this great and worthy cause.
Thank you for taking the time to read our stories and your spoonsor. Much appreciated, Penny xxxx
Claire's story. Everyone has been touched by cancer in one from or another. Family, friends, the young, the old, male or female we all know someone.For me personally there are two main people that have inspired me to do this walk, my Auntie Pat and my friend Lauren.Pat had cancer of the peritoneum, a membrane that covers the major organs and due to the aggressiveness of this cancer we lost Pat quicker than any of us anticipated.Lauren was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 at just 25 years old. Through fundraising money was raised for drugs not funded by the NHS to give Lauren more time with her family and children and create special memories. Sadly Lauren lost her battle in 2014.Although Pat and Lauren faced different battles they were similar in many ways. They both always wore a smile no matter how they felt, their words "I'm fine" or "How are you?" showed just how unselfish they were.It is through my love of these strong, determined and inspirational women that I have set myself this challenge to walk a full marathon for cancer. I will be walking in memory of my Auntie Pat and Lauren, for those we have lost and for those that continue the fight and hope that by raising money for cancer one day we will hopefully find a cure.
Laura's story. On the night of 24th September i will be walking 26.2 miles (a full marathon). This will be my 3rd time of taking on this challenge, and the reason why is simple; we cannot give up the fight of beating cancer - a cure needs to be found. I think everyone has lost someone close to them to this awful disease, knows someone who continues to fight, or has managed to hear those words "Your clear". But one fact is certain, they needed to fight and we need to raise money so that more treatments can be developed, so that more and more people can win that fight and hopefully one day a cure will be found.
I know from experience that there will be times during the night of walking that I will find it tough but it's those memories of those close to me that fought the hardest battle of all that keep me going. I cast my eyes to the sky to those stars shinning and remember those I've lost and for them I would walk forever.
I will be walking for 3 people in particular this year:
Christine & Ian Lambert, parents of our best man and my dearest Aunty Pat who we lost only a few months ago; loved so much and gone too soon. The memories of these will shine forever and so I would like to shine for them.