Have you ever seen a rather plump giraffe attempt to amble round a park in the Midlands? According to David Attenbrough, this happens only once in every 250 years, and he was really cross he didn't get it in the recent hit Africa series. Please sponsor this once in a lifetime event now, and support my favourite charity. Your sponsorship will help support Age UK's work helping improve life for older people. Also, for your entertainment, I shall be wearing sports clothing, which in itself is laughable.
To provide inspiration (and perhaps drag me round the final lap) POD will be running in his new trainers. He can run properly and owns many pairs of shorts. So you could sponsor him too.
Please donate whatever you can. The guilt of letting you down may just help stop me from just giving up and staying in bed if its a bit cold and wet on 3rd March.
Thanks, Peggy