Hi everyone!
So as some of you may already know I've decided to run (or at least try to) run the Dublin Marathon this year for Action Mental Health! As a practical beginner in the running stakes, unlike my marathon veteran father, its quite the task I've taken on but as its something ive always wanted to do I thought why not this year! And better still for a brilliant cause!
Mental Illness affects so many of us! Whether its a personal battle we have fought or whether it's a family member, friend or colleague who we've seen struggle with their mental illness, its so often a hidden illness that some choose to fight alone, something they shouldn't have to do!
I won't go on too much as I'm planning to post weekly updates on training, etc but I cannot express how grateful I would be for any donation, big or small. And of course, any donations in the form of massages, foot rubs or a new pair of trainers would be brilliant! (Joking about the trainers of course!)
Lets break the stigma surrounding mental illness and remember:
It's ok to not be ok!