Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you for taking the time to visit my page. If you’d like to hear all of our stories and see all updates, please also check out Henry Maxwell’s & David Kenyon’s pages which can be found here:
and follow @Bikesbivviesandbeers on Instagram.
I couldn’t tell you exactly the first time that the idea of attempting LEJOG was suggested in our flat. What I can tell you for definite is that it was after one too many beers. LEJOG is a classic UK endurance challenge that is undertaken every year by hundreds of cyclists who I can almost guarantee are more prepared for this than we are. But alas, what is a Herculean challenge amongst friends eh?
Having not ridden a bike since my (minor) crash of 2011 into a stationary object in a Centre Parks in France (sorry James), it would seem almost insane to undertake such a challenge. And you would be correct. However, having recently secured myself a bike and some other bits, I am the definition of all the gear and no idea. Having got back out on the road with Team Bikes, Bivvies & Beers I have quickly found my feet once again and am constantly reminded why the saying “It’s like riding a bike” exists. But enough about us.
We are raising money for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Trust, a charity that, like so many others, have done so much, and worked so hard during the Coronavirus pandemic. However, for reasons closer to our hearts we have chosen this charity as a way of giving back to the amazing people that helped save Henry’s sister's life last year.
Any and all contributions to the page would be massively appreciated. All donations, big or small, will go a long way and any sharing of our story on social media will help spread the word.
Thank you so much for reading.
Team Bikes, Bivvies & Beers x