Sheds are community based social organisations providing hands-on activities for men and women usually aged 50 years of age and older who are
co-participants in a defined space. Sheds provide a space for people to meet,socialise, learn new skills and take part in a number of activities. Most Sheds are equipped with a range of workshop tools and other equipment. Shed programmes aim to improve people’s physical, emotional, social, spiritual health and well-being. Core elements of Sheds are:
- friendly places of leisure where men and women come together to work
- places where men and women work together, engage with one another more
and friendships are made. There is a feeling of camaraderie and being able to
talk about their problems in a good way, one that will improve health. - places of skill-sharing and informal learning, of individual pursuits
and community projects, of purpose, achievement and social interaction
- places that will contribute to peoples sense
of achievement and value to the community
Woodwork Wednesday
& Thursday
Sewing & Knitting Monday;
Wednesday and Friday mornings
Golf Tuesday
12.30 – 1.30
Music Tuesday
2pm – 4pm every other Tuesday
Walking Football Tuesday
Evening 7 – 8 pm
Mosaic Making Monday 9.30 - 12.30