On June 30th, I will be cycling in the Great Manchester Cycle to raise money for the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital.
I think we sometimes overlook facilities like this, taking for granted they have all the money they need given to them by the government.
I know I am guilty of taking these facilities for granted and not thinking about the hard work people put in to helping others. There are thousands of children being treated here every year and each one will have their own story about being ill, being treated and being cared for. I cannot imagine the emotions parents go through watching their children become ill and vulnerable. The Royal Manchester Children's Hospital cares for every single child, from critical care and surgery to making the children comfortable.
I think it is important to recognise the great things we have and support the causes which help so many.
Please donate, if you can, and please check out their website and look at who they are and what they do.
Thank you for taking the time to read my JustGiving page.