Hey there!
I'm currently raising money for one of the charity's closest to my heart. If you haven't come across St Francis Hospice, they make the last days, weeks, or months of someone's life as comfortable and dignified as possible. Unfortunately I know this first hand, as my cousin Rob spent his last months there before he lost his battle with a brain tumour.
As you can imagine, I would do anything to give something back to the amazing doctors, nurses and volunteers who made my cousins last moments as good as they could be. Which is why I am running (or walking) 5k a day, every day for the month of August.
Anyone who knows me knows I am in no way a runner. In fact, I would rather do pretty much anything to avoid going for a run. But, a run or a hasty walk a day, for 31 days is nothing in comparison to what these amazing people do for those in their care.
I would be so grateful for any donations - regardless of how little!
I'll keep you all updated with the 5k a day journey.
Thank you!