All over the world there are people grafting away for next to nothing whilst some-one else enjoys the fruits of their labours. Traidcraft Exchange tries to even up the odds, both by working to change the rules that make the lives of poor producers harder, and by supporting producers to develop products and ways of working that will enable them to compete more effectively.
That may not tug at the heart strings quite like some other charities, but it's got to be worth supporting. Every farmer or craft worker who can earn a fairer day's wage will also be able to feed and educate their children better and put more back into their community. That creates permanent change - change for good.
Running the Great North Run is going to test my endurance to the limits. Knowing that it will help some other hard working people to achieve a better life is going to help me keep going. That and the promise of a nice cup of fairly traded tea at the end of the run!
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Please dig deep and donate now!