In 2021 a team of (crazy?) Otford Primary School parents are attempting to each Run, Walk or Cycle 718.8 miles - over 1100km - to raise money to help Otford Primary school reach their funding target to build a new school IT suite.
718.8 miles is a long way! In fact, it is the distance from Otford Primary School to John O Groats - the most northern point in the UK. We have named it our 'Super-700', and we need YOUR support!
Our PTFA fundraising has taken a significant hit over the past 18 mths as a result of Covid, with fetes, fairs, and fundraisers cancelled throughout the year. This is our way of doing what we can to contribute and help the school so that the kids don't end up missing out even more as a result of the pandemic.
If you have received this link, its likely someone you know has been roped in to undertaking this mammoth task - and by this point i suspect they will be getting rather tired! 22km a week - every week - for an entire year without stopping is NOT easy. It's a huge commitment and they are making a huge effort for the sake of the kids and the school. Show you support and please do dig deep and give generously. Every penny we see on the board helps motivate us to go back out in the pouring rain or blistering sun and run a few more kms.
Thanks so much for your support! We really appreciate it :)
The Otford Primary School Super-700ers.