We would like to Thank everyone for your Generous Donations for our son Oliver. We really appreciate your Kind Generosity.Unfortunately we have been told by the specialist at Alda Hey Hospital that Oliver is not a good candidate for SDR,so we are no longer raising funds for Oliver's Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy Operation. Oliver will continue with his appointments at Alda Hey Hospital and continue with Treatment i.e Physiotherapy,Neurological,Orthotics and Gait analysis.Oliver may need Surgery in the forthcoming years and Additional Supportive Equipment which his Donations will now be used for.Many Many Thanks for all of your Kind and Wonderful Support. All our Love from Oliver and Family.X ..................................................................Hello my name is Oliver from Liverpool.I was born six weeks premature and had to stay in an incubator in a special care unit.I have since been diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy.I am two and a half years old and I would love to be able to run,jump,skip and play with other children but unfortunately my lower legs don't work.My Mummy and Daddy have found out about an operation I can have to fix my legs.Its called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy and is a spinal operation.This operation with lots and lots of physiotherapy would take away my spasticity reducing my painful muscle stiffness and stopping my bones from deforming,helping me to walk run jump and skip with other children.The N.H.S do not fund my operation,this operation costs a lot of money £26000.My Mummy and Daddy and The Tree of Hope are trying to raise this money so I can have this Life Changing operation.I would be very Grateful to anyone who would like to do any fundraising or make any donation to Tree Of Hope on my behalf.Should we exceed the target amount or if we do not raise enough funds,or if they can not be used for any other reason, the fund raised will go to the general funds of Tree of Hope to assist other sick children.By supporting me or giving your time to raise money or making a donation you would be helping me achieve the very best I can out of life.