Building a Mosque in Bangladesh (on behalf of Mohammed Nurul Islam -'Baba')
Fundraising for Global Relief Trust
Fundraising for Global Relief Trust
13/01/22 UPDATE: See update below in the update section. It is Baba's death anniversary, may Allah swt shower all mercy upon him and give him peace until the day of judgement and in the hereafter. Ameen.
21/4/21 UPDATE: Bangladesh is in lockdown so things are moving slow.
3/4/21 UPDATE:
We have found and confirmed a location in Churain Alhamdulillah to rebuild a small tin Masjid. An update will be sent out soon as soon as we have the official confirmation, architectural documents and charitable videos from GRT regarding this Masjid project. There will be another smaller project in conjunction with this which will be announced soon. Thank you for all your donations and for bearing with me. May Allah have mercy on you all.
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu (may peace, blessings and the mercy of Allah swt be upon you). This is Nabhan Islam, the youngest son.
We are looking to build a Masjid (Sadaqa Jaariya) for my late beloved father Mohammed Nurul Islam ('Baba') in a rural area of Bangladesh. It will have a capacity of 150-250 people with Wudhu facilities and more. It will also have a Maktab (elementary/primary school) set up within in sha Allah. This will in sha Allah have a preferred/intended location of my father's village of Churain (district: Bikrampur), the details of this will be confirmed by the charity we are working with, Global Relief Trust, in a need's assessment to be held next week. This page will be updated regularly. Please note the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
The Masjid to be built will be named after my father, "Nurul Islam Masjid", meaning "The Light of Islam Masjid".
Mohammed Nurul Islam ('Baba'), legal birthday 19-06-1942 and passed away 13-01-2021. 78 years old. Buried on 15-01-2021 at Carpenders Park Lawn Cemetery.
Please share as much as possible, I would love to continue to benefit Baba forever, and all those that have helped towards this cause will receive rewards from Allah that you can never imagine in sha Allah.
Construction will be started at around the 80% donations mark. This project will happen no matter what, I will make sure of it, so guarantee your reward now by donating and sharing, in sha Allah.
Platform fee is optional, can be 0% if chosen. Gift Aid wherever possible to increase donation by 25%.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un (إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ) - To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
“Whoever remains in a plague-ridden land patiently and hopeful of reward, knowing that only what Allah decrees will reach him, will get the reward of a martyr.” - Sahih al-Bukhari 3474
My Baba, my beloved Baba, a giant amongst men, the love of my life had returned to his Lord in the early hours of Wednesday 13/01/2021 due to breathing complications caused by Covid-19. Wallahi my heart aches, not for the loss of life but for the temporary patience I will have to endure in this world until I see my beautiful Baba again. He may have left this world, but I swear by Allah he is alive with his Lord enjoying the pleasures of the hereafter.
"And never think of those who have been martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty.." ~ Qur'aan (Al-Imran 3:169-170)
He never complained once, he was patient with Allah's decree, with the last words he said to me being "Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah)". He passed away while I was holding his hand and stroking his blessed head. My Baba left in extraordinary peace and nur (light) on his face. Breathing slowly with his eyes closed while I was telling him how much I love him and making dua (prayers) over him, until his breaths were no more.
I am a 23-year-old young boy, losing my 78-year-old father (real age of 80). A man who worked his whole life to get to where we are today. He came from a small village in Bangladesh called Churain, in the district of Bikrampur, to the UK with only a small amount of change in his pocket. He was amongst the first waves of brave Bengalis in the early 1960’s attempting to find success here in Britain. And he surely did, reaching unimaginable heights starting from operating as a simple ice cream man at Hyde Park, working all day, studying all night, to attaining Associateship of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII qualification) at the Lloyds of London in the 1970's, and leaving behind for his sons our renowned Premier Insurance Services Ltd. (an insurance brokerage company Baba started since the 1980's), amongst many other achievements. The world will know his story, I will make sure of it in sha Allah.
He spent the last few years of his life still going to work every day, with the biggest smile on his face. He was the most loving family man, who'd play all day with his grandkids, and showed compassion to all those that he knew. He is my best friend, the rock of the family, the wisest man of our times in my eyes.
We've had hundreds of calls and messages from the four corners of the earth since the break of news, and the reoccurring theme is the praise of my father's devotion to his immediate and extended family, his principles, and for his elegant character.
A short personal story where Baba showcased the value in all things:
When I was a child, there was a time that I was out with my father and he had given me some bronze coins to entertain myself with. As a playful infant may do, I threw a '1p' coin into either a small pond or puddle. My father became angry, scolded me, and knelt in search of the bronze coin from the dirty body of water.
“Baba, why is it that you are angry with me? You can’t do anything with it, it was only a penny Baba”, I said as I was very confused by this situation.
After my father found the coin, he got back up, sat me down and responded with the following words that had enlightened me and never left my memories.
“Son, you may not realise it now, but know that it is the small pebbles piled together which can create a mountain.”
Baba, please accept this mountain that I wish to create for you, by the will of Allah.
Let this be the first of many in sha Allah. And indeed, whosever joins to help produce this mountain, they too will be rewarded in this life and the hereafter for eternity.
Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) said: "Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, like a sparrow's nest or even smaller, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise." Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani, Hadith Ibn Maajah (738)
Meaning that it is encouraged to even give the smallest amount in the way of Allah, and that you will be rewarded.. by each and every pebble and penny. Glory be to Allah.
Please share with all and multiply your reward in sha Allah.
Some of Baba's blessings and points of interest during this time:
May Allah grant Mohammed Nurul Islam (name meaning: The Praised One, the Light of Islam), my beautiful Baba, the highest of places in Jannah Al-Firdous right next to Allah and his Prophet (ﷺ). May Allah ease this burden for my family until we meet with him again and rejoice in the company of our Lord. Ameen.
We are pleased with Allah, Alhamdulillah.
DISCLAIMER: When the Charity, Global Relief Trust, has completed the assessment of the village and surrounding area, the needs of the locals will be reviewed. If a school or orphanage etc. may be more beneficial, we will build this instead in sha Allah.
Also, note that the donation target may be adjusted according to the frequency and volume of donations, meaning the amount of projects can multiply within this one fundraiser. Updates will be sent out regularly In sha Allah.
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