As many of you know I am a runner hater, and have now decided to break this bad relationship with running by doing a fun 10km as my first race.
You may think that Greenpeace is an interesting charity to run for, but I truely believe that we are destroying our world and if we do not act fast generations to come will not know the beauty that we have today. Since travelling I have visted some of the most beautiful places and seen some of the most amazing creatures in the world and think it would be a shame for these to disappear.
I understand that most people do these events for finding a cure for cancer and other horrible illnesses but if we do not save our planet we will have nowhere to live an illness free life.
Whatever you can give would be much appreciated and will go to very good use in helping Greenpeace not only save certain creatures from extinction, the rainforests from being destroyed but they also help teach people in local communities and across the world about how we can live a better greener life and help to save 'our' world.