20 MILES?!?!?!?! And we need your help...
This is it... the mission... the time is now...
The Big Walk for Envision - an amazing cause and one that is exceptionally dear to my heart.
Please fundraise and walk with us, or donate to my page - its easy to do.
Over 10 years since co-founding Envision with Tom, Matt and Beth and a big group of amazing friends and partners, Envision has become so much more than we could have dreamed.
Supporting thousands of young people each year realise they CAN make a difference in the world - its about changing the world - one new leader at a time.
This is where we need your help. You can donate directly or pledge to walk with us and fundraise for yourself. Our aim is to raise £10,000 - 100 people raising £100 each.
Thanks for your time and all your effort in helping make Envision what it is. For more information on the walk and getting involved, please email -