Thank you for visiting my page.
I am fighting at the white collar boxing event 'Heroes' at the Europa Hotel on 8th November. I expect this to be difficult, my 8 weeks of suffering begins now .... I will not eat my favourite foods, I will train every day spending 1 hour less with my wife and baby boy, I will be anxious about failing in front of friends and family, I will get punched by other guys with ‘A’ levels .... boo bloody hoo for me! Suffering is so relative.
What Oscar is fighting through is absolutely amazing. I spent lunchtime with him today and he is so loving and positive. His personality is the size of a house and never a mention of what real suffering is. I work with Oscar's mum Leona. She and Stephen, Oscar and Izzie are great people and make a lovely family. It would be wonderful if Oscar can get the treatment he needs.
Please support me for Oscar and I will respect your donation by putting on the best performance I possibly can on 8th November. Thank you
(Remember to tick Gift Aid when donating)