'Over 90% of children who have experienced sexual abuse, were abused by someone they knew.'
Sexual abuse & trafficking is becoming a bigger issue than you would think, helping in the smallest way could save a child from this cruelty. For anyone that knows me, you're aware that I'm afraid of dangerous experiences that could result in death; but it's nothing compared to what these young children are put through; which is why I'm going Skydiving! 1 in 20 children have been sexually abused at one point. This could have been anyone - your brother, your sister, your friends! It doesn't just stop. Every child deserves a decent childhood, it's not about extravagant gifts for christmas, it's about the memories they should cherish as they grow into adults. Some children don't get this opportunity, they are not all as blessed as we are, so why not help? And show children that the outside world is not so bad. There are disgusting people with bad intentions out to hurt such innocent souls, but they have us! We can be that net of support to provide whatever need be in any circumstance.
A small donation would be highly appreciated, however a larger one would be preferred! Much obliged :)
We're all making a difference, I'm just the one jumping out of the plane!