This Summer I'm taking part in numerous cycling events, of which Haverhill-London-Cambridge-Haverhill is one - the event this page has been set up for. Other planned events comprising 3K miles include:
30 April - 120 Mile Cambridge Sportive
1 July - 70 Mile Haverhill to South London
2 July - 80 Mile North London to Cambridge to Haverhill
7 July - 250 Mile Haverhill to North Netherlands (Liquicity Festival)
10 July - 250 Mile North Netherlands to Haverhill (Liquicity Festival)
16 July - 110 Mile Cambridgeshire Sportive
29 July to 5 August - 1,000 Mile Haverhill-London-Edinburgh-London-Haverhill Audax
12 August - 190 Mile Three Counties Steeple Chase Sportive
6 October - 100 Mile Haverhill Cycling Club Sportive
I'm also clocking up several weekly rides with the local cycle club, 30 miles daily commuting from Haverhill-Cambridge and plenty of personal, solo centuries lined up in the interim.
You can track my training on Strava at: