Thanks for visiting my page. My sister and I are raising money for the British Heart Foundation and I'd be so grateful for your support!
So first off why this charity? The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but sadly every day hundreds of people still lose their lives.
This charity is close to my heart having recently struggled with supra ventricular tachycardia which impacted my independence, social life, family, and career. Now thanks to two amazing cardiologists and some incredibly high-tech operations I am blessed to live a normal life.
Sadly, this isn't the case for everyone, and my family have been greatly impacted in our lives by friends and family suffering and sadly passing away due to heart-related conditions. Therefore, we wanted to do this ultra to raise money for this amazing charity and hopefully raise some awareness, particularly about SVT, along the way!
Secondly, you may ask why an ultra? Considering I have never run any type of race, and up until October I couldn't run longer than 2 km... this is a big, slightly crazy, leap. Maybe less of a leap for my sister who has 6 marathons under her belt. But for big donations, we recognised we needed to do something big so we've aimed high! Those donations will go straight to the BHF to support them to create new treatments, continue their research and discover new cures.
All in loving memory of Brian Wall and Marie Cornford xx