Well what can I say - possibly the hardest thing I have EVER done! But I DID IT!! - unofficial time 1 hr 56 mins!!
Let me tell you I struggled with the first 7 miles - mostly a gradual uphill run. Mile 8, I had a lucozade sport and was revived, was singing Queen songs during miles 9 and 10 (yes really!!), and just totally gritted my teeth for the last 3 miles.
I would NOT have made it without Lucy Hudson and Simon Plunkett. They kept me going, really they did; running is not an individual sport and they were just fab. Thank you Lucy and Simon, I will remember your support always ("I am going to have to stop" - "No Nicky just look into the distance, breather deeper than you need to and just throw your legs one in front of the other " "you're looking good Nicky you're going to do it" etc etc etc... for 13 miles!!!)
Also I kept thinking about N-Gage and thinking that if through my sponsorship I could help Christie Spurling to change the life of one young person on the edge of society, then it would be so worth it.
"Let us run with determination the race marked out for us"!! and let us make sure there is always a friend or two to run with.....
Thank you sponsors mwah mwah mwah xxx :)