London Marathon 2020 for Jesuit Refugee Service UK

26.2 miles London Marathon 2020 for JRS UK · 25 April 2020
On Sunday 26 April 2020 – the day when the 40th London Marathon should have taken place - I ran marathon on my own even though official event has been postponed until October 4th 2020 in light of the coronavirus outbreak. I got inspired by The 2.6 Challenge for anyone to do anything around the number 26 to celebrate the day and to fundraise or donate to your chosen charity. I decided to run 26,2 miles anyway to support JRS UK during these unprecedented times. And ask you for your donations.
How did I get JRS London Marathon slot and why am I passionate about running and fundraising money for them? I volunteer with Creatives Against Poverty over 2 years. We work with vulnerable clients, mainly with BAME, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. I remember the day when we met with JRS at Walking with Refugees conference like yesterday, because it was my birthday. We were impressed by their work and our hearts resonated with their accompaniment at Heathrow detention centres. When I later on found out that they have London Marathon slots for those who want to fundraise money for them, I knew that that's the right thing to do.
Let me share some informations about JRS (what they do, how money are going to be used, mainly in this uncertain COVID-19 situation):
While the world retreats into isolation, many still have no fixed housing, have little money to stockpile, and are left without many essentials.
JRS specifically works with destitute refugees who cannot find support elsewhere, and have no access to public funds. Current Government policy encourages destitution during this pandemic, and acts as a dangerous barrier. As a response to COVID-19 JRS services were adapted to meet emergency refugee needs.
Examples how your donation will be put in use:
£26 mobile phone top-up for refugee family
£96 provide 20 packs of toiletries
£140 provide a large box of nappies, as well as extra food supplies for the whole family including new-born baby supplies
£262 provide all 3 previously mentioned altogether
As a part of destitution outreach service JRS have set up a new Emergency Response Team to distribute food parcels, hygiene packs and mobile phone top-ups to the most vulnerable refugees during Covid-19 outbreak to combat the isolation. Taking the essential help from suspended Day Centre which normally serves over 300 refugees out onto the road.
Hearing the gratitude with which refugees are receiving mobile phone-top ups, food parcels and toiletries has been rewarding, many of them grateful to be able to reach out to family overseas affected by the virus, and others finally able to contact us and other charities for help during these uncertain times.
JRS offers also proactive phone support - reaching out to isolated refugee friends, including those in detention, who were scared about how this might affect their time behind closed walls.
In normal circumstances is detention outreach service provided by volunteers who visit and support those held in immigration detention.
JRS also provides At Home hosting scheme - hospitality of volunteers who welcome refugees and open their homes and spare rooms for those who have no fixed housing.
Another part of JRS mission is to empower refugee women through a network of support, creative expression and the opportunity to learn and develop skills. JRS runs women's cycling club - bike training for women.
JRS weekly Day Centre provides vital services - it's full of the sounds, smells and colours of cooking classes from the delicious community kitchen and creative arts group, gospel choir, drama workshops or English classes. These offer a chance for creativity, opportunity to flourish talents and practice skills. It is platform where everyone’s unique gifts and voices are recognized and cherished. That's what often makes a difference, how we allow someone not just to survive but to flourish. Alongside the outward purpose of the activities themselves, whether it be to sing or act in a play, these also play a much deeper, more meaningful role; they can be places of sharing stories and coming together to support one another and to feel united; an important sense of community among destitute refugees, who may otherwise experience stress and isolation. JRS offers also reflexology sessions to help with stress relief.
Refugees share their generosity too, many of them volunteer and support others in Day Centre. This is also extremely important for them, considering most of them are denied the right to work and the chance to contribute fully to society.
Vital services which were previously offered in person, are now taking place remotely and over the phone. Befriending volunteers offer the chance for encounter, mutual relationship & companionship by lending a listening ear to those of refugees who need somebody to talk to.
These are services where we urgently need funding to support the growing numbers of refugees who are denied the essentials to live by our harsh asylum system. Without support from the government, JRS seeks to help where their needs are not being met elsewhere.
Please donate today to ensure JRS can continue to accompany, serve and advocate for refugees.
Charities pay a small fee for our service. Learn more about fees