In early May 2015 I shall be setting of on an African adventure to Malawi. Here I will spend 10 weeks working alongside a group of UK and in-country enthusiastic volunteers working with youth in and around Mzuzu. Here I will be working with youth in a range of curricular and extra curricular activities such as sports, arts and IT, this will help engage young people on social, health and general educational issues. The aim of the project is to make a difference and that's what i intend to do, leaving my mark on the people i meet and places i go!
This is part of International Citizen Service (ICS) which is a government funded development programme that brings together 18 to 25 year olds from all backgrounds to fight poverty in overseas communities. ICS works with communities that have specifically requested their help. It also aims to inspire young people in the UK and overseas to become active citizens who are passionate about long term community development.
I need to raise just £800 for Lattitude who are one of the respected development charities that deliver ICS. This will help the charity continue their incredible work and support more and more volunteers overseas enabling the amazing work that goes on out there to continue changing peoples lives! I would like to stress that ALL the money donated goes towards the charity and not to fund my trip!
Any contribution would be amazing no matter how little!, Thanks for your time visiting my page you beautiful people!
Molly xx