I was originally going to just fast for 24 hours but as some people kindly pointed out a sponsored silence would be even more of an achievement for me so in aid of UNICEF’s Syria Children’s appeal I am not going to talk or eat for 24hours.
UNICEF is currently doing vital work to help the children in Syria who have been affected by the humanitarian crisis.
As the conflict in Syria deteriorates, more and more children are losing everything. Over 4 million children are in urgent need of help, with more than 1 million having fled to neighbouring countries. That's the equivalent of all of the children in Wales being uprooted and left homeless. These children have experienced the unthinkable and are now left with nothing.
UNICEF is working around the clock in Syria and the surrounding countries to provide children with clean water, food and medical care. They have given more than 10 million people access to safe water and provided pyschological support for nearly 470,000 children.