Mole Valley Runners want to support the staff at our local hospital to say thank you for their hardwork and dedication during this challenging time.
When Lee was out running he passed Epsom Hospital and was reminded of the care his Dad received there and suggested we try and link a small fundraiser to our club Strava competition which was set up to help keep members active during the social distancing. It’s grown exponentially and after a little break, it starts again this week. You don’t need to donate to join in, but most members have been keen to. Simon is organising a virtual 5k (details in the updates below) and the club members are just being amazing in their support of the local hospitals.
We are currently facing uncharted waters as we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, but one constant always remains. In times of crisis you can rely on #TeamESTH (Epsom and St Helier Hospitals) to be here for you and your family.If you would like to say 'Thank You' to our amazing staff at Epsom and St Helier Hospitals and community services, it would be greatly appreciated.