On 29 May 2017, Professor Mike Hanna will be leading the CNMD Team in running The Vitality London 10,000 race. This will be the team’s ninth consecutive year participating in the event and they aim to raise £10,000 for The National Brain Appeal to support training at The Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases.
Since the CNMD team first set themselves this annual challenge, we're delighted that our supporters have helped to raised £140,000 for the centre.
The impact of this has been incredible and has helped us to maintain our commitment to training the next generation of scientists, nurses, therapists, doctors and clinical research specialists.
It's no exaggeration to say, we really couldn't have done this without the help of our patients, their families and friends. This year, we hope to raise funds to continue these training programmes.
I do hope you will be able to support us: any donation, no matter how small, will be gratefully received and will help make a very real difference.
Thank you