Every half an hour in the UK, a child or young person will acquire a brain injury. The Child Brain Injury Trust provides information, support and training to anyone affected by this devastating and life changing condition. Visit our website to find out more about us and the work we do.
I am running for Child Brain Injury Trust to help them raise much needed funds to be able to continue to provide the vital service they offer to children affected by brain injury and their families. I see first hand as a Solicitor the devastating impact a brain injury can have. I am very fortunate to work closely with Child Brain Injury Trust as Legal Panel Solicitors at Simpson Millar for the Yorkshire Region. I have seen first hand the difference they can make to children and their families , offering help and emotional and practical support and helping children gain their confidence to return to the educational setting.
I have decided to take on the challenge of the Great Manchester Run to help raise money for this amazing charity. Whilst I would love to he running further , 10K is still a challenge for me as whilstI hate to admit it, I am getting older and the degen in my aging knees likes to remind me I am no spring chicken. Too many years of step aerobics have taken their toll 🤣. I am determined to run the race to raise money.
I would be grateful for any small donation you are able to make as every penny helps and will make a huge difference.
Thanks so much for your support
Mel xx😘🏃🏼♂️🏅👟
#TogetherWecan #KeepGoing #KeepOnRunning #ChildBrainInjury