On 4th August 2019 I will be cycling a mammoth 100 miles in aid of Transform.
Transform‘s mission is to provide housing and support for homeless, vulnerable and excluded people. They empower people like Ian (pictured) to reach their goals and live independent and fulfilling lives. They provide housing and one-to-one support to more than 2000 people each year across Surrey, Sutton and Wokingham, to help them address the issues they are facing.
The many causes of homelessness include
- The lack of affordable housing and the spiralling costs of rent in the private market
- Live events such as loss of a job, breakdown of or abusive relationships
- Health crisis such as mental or physical health problems
Not only do they offer people a safe place to live but each client has a Transform keyworker allocated to them. The keyworker is dedicated to helping them gain confidence, like skills, and access to education, training and employment opportunities as well as empowering them to live a happier and healthier life
They give people a second chance in life…To find out more, have a look at their website