"I saw that you were perfect and I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more."
Hi! I love this quote and it's just ideal to describe what and how I feel about my husband Daniel ❤️
In April 2017 he caught chicken pox - yes, nasty one - but who would have thought back than that our life will change by 180 degree? Not me..He has never really picked up since and in February 2018 he has resigned from his job and was basically bed bound. ME/CFS the doctors said...wait what? We had no idea what it meant but we knew the symptoms too well - no energy, terrible muscle and joint aches, unbelievable noise sensitivity, memory problems, headaches, sore glands, insomnia, feeling dizzy, irregular heartbeats..It has been 3 years - we have learnt how to manage it and life goes on, he has better and worse days but I am very proud of him everyday!
I would never consider myself as a sporty person but I have prepared as much as I could and will attempt a 5k run.
I am doing it for my Daniel in hope that one day someone, somewhere, somehow will know how to help him and thousands of others with ME/CFS⭐