Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
On the 17th April 2011 I ran the London Marathon - yes the big one!! - and i managed it in 3:10:37 - which took a monumental effort but thanks to all the amazing support i have received i crossed the line (and proceeded to collapse minutes later!)
I ran for a fantastic charity called LOOK – The National Federation of Families with Visually Impaired Children. They are a wonderful charity that assists with the families and carers of visually impaired children as well as helping the children themselves.
They provide much needed support not just to the children but to those around them - for instace helping them cope with all sorts of situations and providing a network of support by being there for eachother and sharing advice to help everyone.
I have a target to raise £1400 for LOOK - its pretty ambitious, so i'm looking for all the help I can get people!
So I emplore you all to please donate - I know you may get constant requests for these things but this is a really fantastic charity and even if your donation is £10, £5, or even just £1 - it all counts, helps this amazing charity, and helps hit the target too.
At the end of the day we can all pledge at least a pound can't we??? this is a small charity without massive overheads so funds can directly help people here and make a genuine difference.
Thanks for taking the time to read and happy donating!
Mark Gale