SKT Welfare is a UK registered charity and international NGO established in 2008, dedicated to the delivery of humanitarian aid and socioeconomic solutions regardless of race, political affiliation, gender or belief.
SKT’s 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used for serving those in need, not administrative nor overhead costs, which are either covered by direct donations themselves or by using
Gift Aid.
Pakistan is facing a serious water scarcity challenge as some people do not even have access to water and those who do are compelled to drink unsafe water.
- 21 Million live without clean water close to home
- 250,000 children per year DO NOT live to see their fifth birthday because of dirty water (half of Glasgow’s population)
- 70% of diseases are transmitted via water
The SKT Welfare water projects in Pakistan have not only provided access to water to the people at their door steps but also improved the socioeconomic condition of the people of Punjab.
The water filtration plants have the capacity to filter gallons of water per day and solved basic problems of clean drinking water for the vulnerable population of the target areas.
£10,000 will cover the building cost and maintenance for water filtration plant in Pakistan, benefitting a community of 6,000 people plus daily!