We’ve set up this page for our beautiful, kind, caring and sensitive friend Maisie who was tragically killed in a road traffic accident on February 18th 2021. Maisie spent her life caring for others and worked so hard to become the brilliant doctor she was, a job that she loved. Anthony Nolan was a charity close to Maisie’s heart, and one which she worked with throughout her medical training and beyond. We would like to use this page as a means of continuing the wonderful work Maisie was a part of, and as a way of sharing happy memories and celebrating all that Maisie was. She was a friend to all that knew her, and this is a loss to this world that will be felt by many.
Anthony Nolan is an incredible charity that saves the lives of people with blood cancer who need a stem cell transplant.
Love to all, please share this far and wide. X