On Sunday 26th October 2014 at 9:45am after a bit of warming up, climbing over a wall and lots of HOORAH! amongst half naked men, the claxon went and my wave started. The challenge of Tough Mudder London South had begun.
TM London south is the hardest course in Europe. with LOTS of hills over the 12 miles and a total of 26 obstacles.
After several hours, a lot of bruises, 2 cuts and internal bleeding (diagnosed 2 days later) I got out alive.... Every painful mile and heart stopping obstacle was worth it knowing that i raised a lot of money for both GOSHcc and H4H.
I thank everyone who stood by me throught out the build up, the event and afterwards when i landed myself in hospital.
special thanks to my Mummy Donna, Auntie Yvonne, and friends Chris & Penny for coming along to cheer me on.
I will be building a team to do it all again next year... i'll be coming for you future tough mudders...
Much love
Dee xxxx