We are planning to walk in memory of my grandpa and nana, Who both were impacted with Alzheimer’s for 7 years.
25 years ago, my grandpa went missing from a nursing home on 12th July 97 and was found on may 1st 1998 in Formby. This is the day we attempt this challenge. They both loved life, Grandpa. spent many hours outdoors playing hockey, tennis or golf. My nana would often be in kitchen cooking her famous Sunday lunch followed by her apple pie.
Alzheimer’s uk, do lots of amazing research helping families. The research is so important in order to help save, improve lives. Along with the amazing research, the support they can provide those who have been impacted is life saving.
I was never fortunate to meet him, but I hope that by me doing these challenges in their honour they will be proud of me !! 💙
Any donations for this amazing cause so close to my family would be appreciated 💙💜