It makes a change for me to be on this end of a JustGiving page - usually people are fundraising for the charity I work for. Now it is my turn to give back. I am taking part in this walk because I want to do something for the great work that Bridges Nepal do in challenging poverty and trafficking in Nepal.
Most people think of Kathmandu and Everest when you mention Nepal, and these are indeed great places to visit. What most people do not realise is how poor Nepal is, and in the past two years they have suffered a terrible earthquake, flooding and riots, not to mention food and medication being embargoed. I saw poverty in Nepal far more extreme than I ever saw in Indonesia, and want to do something to help.
Please sponsor me - it is only four miles, but the m oney will go much further in Nepal, and if my walk stops only one girl being trafficked, I'd do it every weekend.