As some of you know I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Luckily surgery went well and I'm now about to start chemotherapy treatment. Ironically, now when I actually like the colour of my hair, I am being faced with the chance of loosing it. I am going to try and save the hair that for the majority of my life has been a source of name calling (Duracel... oh yeah so original!). I have been advised that by wearing an 'Ice Cap' during chemo, could stop my hair from falling out - a chance worth taking! However, as my close friends will know, I'm not keen on 'cold', so the idea of me sitting for 4 hours for 16 sessions with a -6 cap pressed firmly on my head seems to them an impossibility!!
Determined to try and keep my hair ( I just couldn't find a colour match wig!) and to prove that I am capable of withstanding cold, I've decided on an incentive to help me focus.......I'm asking for sponsorship either per 16 sessions or as an overall amount. I would love to raise my target, not just for breast cancer, but for all the other cancers that have affected many of my family and friends.
3/10/2011 - I'm astounded by the generosity and messages of support by my lovely friends and family. It's been so exciting seeing my target not only reached but increase by over 400%!! Because of this, and because I've received further pledges I was going to increase my target to £500......too easy! Lets go for £1000! Chemo starts on 5th October - I'll keep you posted how the Ice Cap goes. It might be quite a relief from this hot weather we're having!! x