Having sufffered from Anorexia for three years, I am now physically healthy and hoping to help others while I work on my mental recovery and change the stigma around the disease: it is NOT a choice.
Many people don't realise the implications the disease can have on your life and don't realise that once you reach a healthy weight the 'anorexic' thoughts often still remain. Unfortunately weight restoration is not the same as mind restoration and the mental recovery takes much longer.
Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatry disorder either from medical complications or due to suicide associated with the depression that is often a side effect of the disease. Eating disorders seriously affect many aspects of life, particularly socially and also impact heavily on families of the sufferer. The average duration of anorexia nervosa is eight years before complete recovery, however, the sooner treatment is sought, the better the sufferer's chances at recovery.
In all honesty this has been ten times more difficult than my degree and there is very little support in the Surrey/South West London area and I hope that one day that will change.