Many of you reading this (and thank you for taking the time to read) will have been affected one way or another by cancer. We all know what a fantastic job The Christie does. Imagine though only having to travel to Macclesfield rather than Manchester to receive the excellent care and treatment from the team at The Christie. Well, it's no longer a dream, it is happening and that's where my story begins.
Back in March 2019 my beautiful Mum quite literally turned yellow overnight. A diagnosis of Bile Duct Cancer (it has a posh medical name but I can't pronounce it let alone spell it) was quickly made. Following an unsuccessful major operation, which led to a stay in the Intensive care Unit at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Mum was offered chemotherapy at The Christie. It was made very clear that the treatment would only delay the inevitable. However, Mum wanted as much quality time with her family as possible. She wanted the treatment to have started yesterday.
Unfortunately the diagnosis not only impacted on Mum but also Dad. His failing health meant that as a family we had to make the heart-breaking decision for Dad to move to a care home. Dad knew it was the right decision but it hurt him so much to be apart from Mum. Understandably so, having been married for 50 plus years.
Mum started her treatment at The Christie. She would travel all the way there on a Thursday for a blood test, one blood test. But that blood test had to be done so they knew if she was well enough to go back the next day for chemotherapy. Fridays were chemo day. A few hours being sat in a chair whilst being pumped with the miracle drugs that gave us precious time with her that we didn't think we would get. Whenever they could family members would take her but this wasn't always possible. We relied heavily on the amazing transport service that is offered to patients like Mum. They were fantastic volunteers who gave up their time to help others. But you had to be ready 2 hours before your appointment and often you had to wait for the return journey. So going back to that blood test. Mum could be out of the house for around 6 hours to have the blood test.
Imagine the difference if she could have received her care at The Christie in Macclesfield. I know she would have received many more offers of help to get her to Macclesfield. Her time out of the house would have been reduced significantly.
In September 2019 I had secured my place in the Great North Run, in fact I signed up for 3 years!!! Mum asked me to raise money that year for The Christie but as it was my first half marathon I was worried I wouldn't complete it so I said I would run for the charity the following year. Obviously that is a decision I now regret. Why? I hear you ask.
Fast forward to 2020 and we all know what happened; Covid. So no Great North Run in the September which meant I couldn't run the race for The Christie. It was at this time that Mums health started to really deteriorate. Sadly, in October 2020 Mum died from the cancer.
At the same time Dad's health also took a significant turn for the worse. He was heartbroken after losing his wife of over 50 years. And sadly in December 2020 Dad also died. Both parents taken away from us in a matter of two months; devastating.
So on Sunday 12th September 2021 I am completing the Great North Run in memory of the two people I am so proud to call my Mum and Dad. I would like to fulfil Mums last wish of raising some money for The Christie at Macclesfield appeal.
Any donation, no matter how small, would be humbly and very gratefully received.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story.