Great news, I have been talking about running the London marathon for the past few years and at last I have signed up to this. I will be running the marathon this year for the charity Baby Lifeline
I have chosen this charity as it is a charity which is close to many people’s hearts. Baby Lifeline was founded in 1981 and have since raised over £9 million which has helped to purchase vital equipment for maternity and special care baby units. It is an unfortunate fact that even with the advances in medical care and science today, more than 8,500 babies still die at or around the time of birth. They also help to train midwives around the country to improve the care already given, however, there is a lot more work still to be done.
To help with my efforts, Barclays will be matching the first £750.00 of sponsorship that I receive. Therefore I urge you to please give generously and if appropriate tick the gift aid box.
I would like to thank you very much for your support and look forward to the marathon day.