I'm doing this to support my friend Judith in memory of Olivia and her beautiful smile . - to explain further I'm going to add some of Judith and Olivia's story xxxx
On Friday 24th August 2007 my beautiful daughter Olivia came into the world 13 weeks early and weighing just 800grammes, 9 years + 1 day later she passed away in my arms.
Throughout those 9 years Claire House provided love, support, guidance and friendship to Olivia and us. She had so many amazing times there, having fun, makeovers, proms, days out, painting and playing. But during the dark days of July & August 2016 whilst in hospital, Claire House helped us make lasting memories, important decisions, spoke to funeral directors, casket makers and after she passed away went to our house to prepare Olivia's bed ready for her final return home. We have so many people to thank but right now it's Claire House to whom we remain eternally grateful.
Imagine hearing the worst possible news as a parent - that your child is seriously ill and not expected to live to be an adult. Claire House helps parents create wonderful experiences for their children and bring back a sense of normality to family life. By providing specialist nursing care and emotional support, Claire House helps families smile again when life couldn’t get any tougher. Your money can make a real different to a family who urgently need more support.