I'm raising money for the CARE International UK Yemen Crisis because I've seen the impact of the war, famine and Covid-19 on social media, and it has made me feel like I want to help in some way. Yemen has been described by the United Nations as 'the world's worst humanitarian crisis.' People die every minute, due to different causes. Every 10 minutes, a child dies from malnutrition or disease. They need help and I want to try to change the lives of some children, to give them a future.
I hope to raise a significant amount of money. I'm starting with an ambition of raising £150.
I want to raise people's awareness of Yemen's condition, and how people are suffering there, to encourage them to support my project.
I'll come up with creative ideas to raise money for the charity.
I hope my project will inspire others to raise money to support the people of Yemen as well.
I expect this project to take up a great deal of my time over the coming months.
Initial fundraising ideas are: dog walking, weeding, designing things to sell and being sponsored to do things. I hope many people will want to support this good cause.
Rydw i yn codi arian i CARE International UK Yemen Crisis oherwydd rydw i wedi gweld effaith y rhyfel, newyn a Covid-19 ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, ac mae wedi gwneud imi deimlo fel fy mod eisiau helpu mewn rhyw ffordd. Mae Yemen wedi cael ei ddisgrifio gan y Cenhedloedd Unedig fel ‘argyfwng dyngarol gwaethaf y byd.’ Mae pobl yn marw bob munud, oherwydd achosion gwahanol. Bob 10 munud, mae plentyn yn marw o ddiffyg maeth neu o afiechyd. Maen nhw angen help a hoffwn drio newid bywydau rhai plant, i roi dyfodol iddyn nhw.
Gobeithiaf godi swm sylweddol o arian. Dwi’n cychwyn gydag uchelgais o godi £150.
Dwi eisiau codi ymwybyddiaeth pobl o’r cyflwr mae Yemen mewn, a’r ffordd mae pobl yn dioddef yno, er mwyn eich annog i gefnogi fy mhrosiect.
Byddaf yn dod i fyny gyda syniadau creadigol i godi arian i’r elusen.
Dwi’n gobeithio gwneith fy mhrosiect ysbrydoli pobl eraill i godi arian i gefnogi pobl Yemen hefyd.
Dwi’n disgwyl i’r prosiect yma gymryd dipyn o fy amser dros y misoedd nesaf. Syniadau cychwynnol i godi arian yw: cerdded cŵn pobl, chwynnu, cynllunio pethau i werthu a chael fy noddi i wneud pethau.
Dwi’n gobeithio bydd llawer o bobl eisiau cefnogi’r achos da yma.