I'm braving the RIPON REVOLUTION cycle route (fell beast got cancelled!) in an attempt to raise some money for Contacting the World - an international cultural exchange project for young people. I am very nervous as to whether or not my little legs will be able to conquer the hilly climbs - so any support would mean a lot!
CTW is a fantastic project that brings together young people from different parts of the world with the common aim of making new collaborative performance work. It is a unique experience that promotes cross-cultural understanding and empathy and gives young people the chance to build relationships and collaborate with peers from completely different backgrounds and cultural perspectives from themselves.
I have a lot of love for CTW; I was a participant in 2012, a staff member in 2014 and am now Project Coordinator! It's a truly life changing opportunity for everyone involved and can really open your eyes to the world! For more information and updates on the festival, head to:
Thank you for your support and wish me luck!