Sophia Aitken is a little girl from Witney whose story really touched my heart. She has Spastic Diplegia, a form of Cerebral Palsy, which causes spasticity in her leg muscles preventing her from walking unaided.
After a massive amount of research and soul-searching her parents have decided to raise £65'000 to get Sophia to St Louis Childrens Hospital, Missouri, USA for a life-changing operation called Selective Dorsal Rhiztomy which will hopeful allow her to walk all on her own, which I feel every child deserves.
As part of this fundraising I am attempting a half marathon on 15th September. I only started running back in Febuary - max 20 minutes ! But after lots of hard work, sweat and sore feet I plan to complete it in less than 2 hours.
Please sponsor me or donate at and help Sophia walk.
For more information, please visit -
Thank You